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Why I like the beach (part 2)

Whitney McCray

It should come as absolutely no surprise to anyone that another reason I love going to the beach is because of the fauna in the area. Now, this is by no means any sort of a complete list of the plants that I see when I go there (those'll come out later in the form of proper photo stories!), but when I'm at the beach I go for walks every day. And on these walks I run into some pretty cool looking plants.

Most of these plants I find just on walks through the neighborhood...

...but sometimes I find some hidden surprises hanging out in the back gardens of the shops in town.

And whether I know what kind of plant it is or not, it's always really exciting to find something new. Each year I've gone to the beach, I've seen different things growing; sometimes it's a flowering bush that's larger than the year before, and sometimes it's finding a plant that looks like coral or sand dollars that I've never seen before.

No matter where I go, I never seem to find plants quite like the ones at the beach.