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Adventures Abound (Part 1)

Whitney McCray

Well, it's been a while hasn't it?

Rather than going through a whole (boring) list of things I've been up to since January, it sounds more interesting to talk about some of the more exciting things I've gotten to do. Without further ado, let's dive right in!

In March I was finally able to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Hollywood! Two years ago, in 2015, I flew across the country to visit some friends and discovery all the parks in Orlando but, despite being much closer to the park in Hollywood, I'd never gotten a chance to visit. When I finally did, I had a magical time indeed.

But first - my view of the drive on the way to the park. It was so beautiful to see snow on the mountains.

But first - my view of the drive on the way to the park. It was so beautiful to see snow on the mountains.

I'd already heard about all of the differences between the Hollywood and Orlando parks and while I was disappointed about something of the things I wouldn't get to experience again this time (a ride on the Hogwarts Express, the dragon on top of Gringotts, Diagon Alley) I was excited to step back into the wizarding world once more and see what new things Hollywood had to offer.

A look inside Ollivander's wand shop. Please excuse the quality, the lighting was dim but I wanted to snap a quick picture on my phone before the wand choosing ceremony.

A look inside Ollivander's wand shop. Please excuse the quality, the lighting was dim but I wanted to snap a quick picture on my phone before the wand choosing ceremony.

Hagrid's hut and the Weasley's flying car.

Hagrid's hut and the Weasley's flying car.

It was a gorgeous day and no trip would be complete without a sampling of Butterbeer. In Orlando I got to try hot Butterbeer but this time I knew I just had to try it cold. I've been waiting to try it again since my last trip and the anticipation didn't dampen the experience at all - cold Butterbeer was just as delicious as I'd hoped. (It might even be my favorite version!)


I wish I could have spent another day or two visiting the park; it's small, but it's a walk in a world I grew up alongside. Hopefully I'll get a chance to visit again later this year.

A shot I snapped quickly of the Hogwarts Express and the conductor. Talk about lucky!

A shot I snapped quickly of the Hogwarts Express and the conductor. Talk about lucky!

And to round out my experience at Universal Studios, I would be remiss to not mention Voodoo Doughnut. A friend I was with wanted to check out this place - and so did about half the park it seems.

After an hour's wait, we were finally nearing the shop's front.

After an hour's wait, we were finally nearing the shop's front.

Voodoo Doughnut is a Portland-based doughnut shop that had opened at Universal CityWalk earlier in the month. After seeing numerous people walking around with their pink boxes, we stopped to wait in line to get our own taste of the magic.

Everything was very bright and very pink - not a bad combination considering it's location.

The theme of the doughnuts themselves, loaded with cereal or icing faces and labeled with eccentric name, reminds me of Psycho Donuts, which isn't a bad thing at all. The wait was long but the was company was good and I have to say, after all that, the donuts were pretty delicious.

Donut display and a really cool mug.

Donut display and a really cool mug.

And I'll spare you any fandom speak and freak outs but I can't end this without at least mentioning my favorite part of the whole trip.

It was an absolutely amazing concert and I had a blast. Their lives never disappoint!

It was an absolutely amazing concert and I had a blast. Their lives never disappoint!

And in the interest of not trying to write a novel of a post, I'll conclude this recollection of my March adventure. Make sure to keep an eye out next week for some photos from my trip to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art!